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Good Design Matters.
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Top 5 Most Common Manufacturing Methods | How Your Company Manufactures Consumer Products
Making sure that your company manufactures with precision and intent means understanding the different manufacturing methods available. Here’s a guide to the five most common manufacturing methods for consumer products.
What is Physical Product Design? | Transforming Ideas into Products
In our generation of digitized worlds and virtual platforms, the significance of physical product design remains immense. Behind every physical product lies a story of creativity, hard work, and passion.
What Exactly Do We Do? | How Industrial Design Services Shape Everyday Products
Picture this: You’ve got an idea, maybe a sketch on a napkin or an idea hastily typed out in your smartphone. How does that become something you can touch? At Avail Creative, our industrial design services turn that idea into a reality.
Sketch It and Build It: Product Design Tools that Make Consumer Goods
Industrial design is a discipline that sits at the intersection of creativity, technology, and engineering. This guide covers design tools used at different stages of the product development process.
Continuous Product Design: How to Keep Your Products Relevant
If you want to design your own invention, it is often difficult to know where to start. In this guide, we explain a few key research points to help lay the proper foundation for individual inventors and budding entrepreneurs.
12 Product Design Ideas for Rural Areas
For entrepreneurs looking to run a business that has a positive impact, there are plenty of opportunities to develop product design ideas for rural areas. We brainstormed a few ideas that we’d like to see invented and/or innovated.
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